New Student Materials Needed for Next Term
Here is a copy of the important items from the letter I sent home Nov. 24
- Students will need TWO new notebooks (approx 70 pages each) and a large three-ring binder starting after Winter Break. The reasons for this are 1) the notebooks they’re currently using are finished, and 2) I want to reorganize the notebooks. Finally, 3) the three-ringed binder is for the students’ portfolio, which will be a project students put together starting Jan 5 when we return.
- Students have been publishing their work on their blogs, so ask your student to see it! Going to their blogs is a break way to find out what they’re doing and to take active participation in their learning. I highly recommend you check out your student’s blog and talk to your son or daughter about his/her work. It excites students because people are actually reading what they are writing!
- Speaking of Blogs, you can visit mine to see what we’re doing in class and to contact me if needed. I intent this to be a helpful resource for both parents and students. The address is <>
- I want to apologize for the confusion over grades and them not being posted on the progress reports. I had turned them in but apparently not the correct way. Accurate grades should not be available on Infinite Campus, which is linked from the East Middle School homepage. <>\
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